Surviving An Emotional Affair

Surviving an emotional affair is different but not any less difficult than dealing with a physical affair. The same emotions of anger, frustration confusion, denial and wanting revenge exists. If your heart is broken and your trust betrayed I want you to know that things can and will get better as long as you are determined to get through this difficult period. You see many have been where you are and some have rebounded and either restored relationships or started new ones. Unfortunately, some have let surviving an emotional affair become a major stumbling block in their life. Please don't let this be your case!

Has your spouse's love, affection and companionship been lured away by someone else and are you desperately trying to figure out how to get your spouse back after an emotional affair? Do you think it's too late or do you still have hope?

Emotional affairs are complicated because it's generally one that has evolved over time. As the cheating spouse has begun falling for the other person they begin to have less emotional attachment to their husband or wife. The longer the emotional affair goes on the more difficult it is to return to normalcy in the marriage.

There are many emotions and questions involved when your spouse has had or is having an affair. You obviously want to know why and you often wonder if there was something you did to cause the emotional affair.

I would suggest if you want to know how to get your spouse back is to examine your relationship thoroughly to see what problems have evolved that perhaps has driven a wedge between you.

Look at the following; Intimacy and Communication to see where some holes may have developed in your marriage.


Have you been satisfied with the intimacy in your marriage? If you haven't been satisfied or if there has been a noticeable change, perhaps your spouse hasn't been happy either. If this area in your relationship has been ignored then your spouse may have looked else where for fulfillment.

The way to get your spouse back is to make sure you are filling the emotional needs of your spouse and not leaving it to someone else. It's time to take back what belongs to you and that's your spouse's heart.

Revert back to when you were the apple of his or her eyes. Don't over due it and think that you can instantly build back the emotional bond with your spouse. However, if you make it a priority and focus on admiring, caring, loving and being intimate with your spouse you will figure out how to get your spouse back and end the emotional affair.


How well are you communicating? Not just talking but how well are you listening and enjoying talking to each other. Communication is the key to winning back the heart of your spouse. He or she needs to know how you feel about them. You also need to make clear in words and actions how much you love and appreciate and adore your spouse.

You will need to be open and honest with your spouse about your needs and desires and discussions about what's missing in your relationship.

Good relationships are well worth fighting for. You don't need to let an emotional affair keep you from having the blissful marriage you want and deserve.

I would like to encourage you to take 2 more minutes and read some advice from someone whose marriage was hit by infidelity. The important thing is how the couple was able to rebound and have a restored relationship and a restored marriage. It's something you can have also if you want it. See here! Restoring Relationships

You can also find marriage resources here at; Help In Marriage