Affair Healing - 3 Tips To Help Recover After Infidelity
I would first like to say that I'm sorry you are searching for information on affair healing. There are many problems couples need to overcome to stay together and how to recover after infidelity just happens to be a big one. However, please know that it is possible to heal after an affair.

Can Begging Help My Marriage Survive?

Your marriage is about to end and you have been saying to yourself "I wonder if begging can help my marriage survive right?" Well it's a good question and probably one that many have struggled with over the years.

What Are The Emotional Stages Of A Relationship Breakup

The emotional roller coaster of a painful breakup generally affects both parties in similar ways. The intensity may be different for the person who wanted the breakup than for the 'dumpee', but both people will go through the emotional stages of a relationship breakup.

What Is The Best Way To Get A Woman Back?
Few things in life suck as much as losing someone you love. It's very hard to deal with and many people will do just about anything to find out the best way to get a woman back. If you want to get back with your ex, don't give up. It is possible and I'll show you how.

Get Back Your Love In 3 Easy Steps

OK you're broken up because you've lost the love of your life and now you want them back. But is it possible to get back your love? If so, then how? Let me show you... I know it's a cliche, but it's true: breaking up is hard to do. 

Can A Marriage Survive Cheating In 2010?

Can a marriage survive cheating in 2010 with all of the pressures already being placed on marriages such as the unprecedented unemployment situation? The short answer is yes!

Restoring Broken Relationships
I know if you are looking for information on restoring broken relationships then you probably are going through difficult times. I hope that you have someone to talk things out with or at least a way to relieve some of the stress because sometimes broken relationships can be overwhelming and restoring them takes time.

How To Talk With Your Husband About Improving Your Marriage
Improving your marriage is and should be easy because you probably know exactly what needs to be changed. The problem is your husband probably doesn't have a clue what's wrong with your marriage. In fact, he probably thinks everything is fine as is.

4 Signs That Your Relationship Might Be In Trouble
There are some obvious and not so obvious signs that your relationship might be in trouble. Although relationships start off with a bang they often times fizzle out and when the couples start to see the signs that their relationship might be in trouble, it's too late.

Could Emotional Infidelity Be Keeping Your Husband From Being Intimate With You?

There are many reasons why spouses lose their intimacy in a relationship and unfortunately sometimes emotional infidelity is the culprit. There are many reasons why a husband might no longer be as intimate as he used to be so it's important not to jump to conclusions.

Could These Three Behaviors Be Stopping You From Fixing Your Broken Marriage?

Fixing your broken marriage has been something you may have been working on but not getting the results you desire. It sometimes breaks your heart when you think there is no hope for saving your marriage, because nothing you try works. Sometimes although in our hearts and minds we want to renew our broken marriage our behaviors prevent us from doing so. 

Dealing With A Cheating Girlfriend - How To Keep Your Head On Straight

Dealing with a cheating girlfriend is like being fired from a job you love and you are confused, angry, hurt and left wondering "what the heck just happened". Next to the loss of a loved one or getting a bad Doctor's report there is probably not much worse news you can hear.

Are You Tired Of Dealing With Marriage Trouble And Need Help Now?

Searching for ways to resolve marriage trouble is a positive step to getting your marriage back on track and my intention is to help you get started right now. My goal is to give you a few suggestions on how to deal with some of the more common marriage trouble areas and they are as follows;

How To Effortlessly Fix Your Broken Marriage And Break The Cycle Of Anger And Pain

Are you tired of living in a broken marriage where more time is spent feeling angry and hurt than loving and peaceful? Well, marriage does take work but it was not intended to be frustrating or unbearable, so there must be a way to fix your broken marriage.

2 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong

Marriage is a pain in the neck and can be draining at times if you don't keep your marriage strong. It's just like any other aspect of life in that if you want good results you need to work smart and hard at it. How To Save A

Marriage After Infidelity

Figuring out how to save a marriage after infidelity when your relationship has just been blind sided and robbed of its' trust, commitment and innocence is a scary task. The number of issues and emotions to be dealt with can seem like an impossible task. Thoughts of "why did this happen" and "how could he or she do this to me" will consume your every thought.

Restoring Marriage - Ways Your Marriage Can Be Restored

Restoring marriage at a time when respect, commitment and love have gone astray can look like a dream instead of a possibility. However, it is very likely that with a few adjustments in mind and behavior, restoring a broken marriage is possible.

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

Most people find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" following a breakup. They begin to start thinking and philosophizing about everything that could have been done differently. They even begin to make plans about apology letters and other things that might be able to help them score their relationship back.

Does My Ex Want Me Back And How To Tell

If your ex is showing you a little bit of interest, or seems more interested in going out and spending time with you than before, or if you notice signs that your ex is trying to flirt with you, then it's okay to be a little hopeful but you need to avoid jumping the gun. Are you asking yourself "does my ex want to get back with me"?

3 Keys To Transform Your Marriage
Recognizing you have a marriage problem is the first step along the road to restoring your marriage, and for most couples simply acknowledging there is a problem shatters the marriage myth. According to love stories, movies, and fairy tales we are supposed to live 'happily ever after'. But what happens when .....

Communication Breakdown

It happens to the best of us. Communication is such a fickle thing, and the lines of communication can become blurred every so often, especially when feelings are involved. Even those who think that they are immune to the confusion of conflict can find themselves drawn into a communication breakdown when ......

Considering Divorcing
Considering divorce is one of the most difficult things you will experience in a marriage. It's generally not something decided quickly but unfortunately over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. There are some reasons when one might consider divorce like when there is a fear of physical, mental, emotional or financial security.  My bf broke up with me -

Can I Get Him Back?

One day not too long ago you were on top of the world. Things were finally coming together and your future looked bright. All was not perfect but it seemed like there was nothing you and your bf couldn't conquer. Then, you woke up one day and your dream had become a nightmare and you were trying to figure the answer to the question my bf broke up with me can I get him back.

If Only I Could Understand Men
Men always say they can't understand women, and that women are so complicated. Well, for many women, it is the exact opposite. Most would give anything to understand what makes men tick. Even though women want to know what he's thinking, men are often reluctant to share what is in their hearts. What's a woman to do to no longer ponder "if only I could understand men".

Change My Husband

How to change your husband or how do I change my husband is an answer a lot of women would love to have. You knew the man you fell in love with and married wasn't perfect but you saw great potential in him. There was nothing wrong with him that couldn't be fixed after spending some quality time with you.

Making The Marriage Work
Would you believe it if I told you that instead of making the marriage work more than half of the couples getting married today will end up getting divorced? These are not the good old days when couples got married and stayed married 20, 30, or 50 plus years. Will we ever return to the days when saying "I do until death do us part" really means working together to make the best marriage possible?

Restore Marriage

Marriages today continue to struggle and way too many of them end in divorce, when most of them could easily restore marriage. You probably have heard that over 50 percent of marriages end up in divorce court. But even so, this statistic has nothing to do your marriage.

How Do I Cope With a Broken Heart?
Figuring out "how do I cope with a broken heart" when you have just gone through an emotional breakup is very tough. Very rarely are breakups mutual and usually one person wants to breakup and although the other person might agree, it's most likely reluctantly.

How to Save the Marriage For Men Only - Following This 1 Tip

I'm looking for a few good men who want to learn how to save the marriage. I mean real men who screwed up their marriage by not paying attention at home, spending too much time at work, getting caught paying attention to someone else or just plain old being a lousy husband.

Christian Marriage Advice - How Prayer Can Transform Your Marriage
Have you been struggling a little bit or a lot in your marriage and seeking some trustworthy Christian marriage advice? Well, as a fellow believer and married for 27 years I can tell you that nothing prepares you better for life's challenges and obstacles than prayer.

Coping With an Emotional Affair - 3 Steps to Help Bring Healing
Coping with an emotional affair can be more difficult than dealing with a physical affair, believe it or not. Although both kinds of affairs can easily breakup a relationship, an emotional affair is more about companionship, love and the heart instead of lust and physical attraction.

How to Survive an Affair - 3 Tips to Begin Healing
Figuring out how to survive an affair when your relationship has just been robbed of its' trust, commitment and innocence is a daunting task. There are so many emotions to be dealt with and issues to be resolved. There are questions and decisions regarding why did it happen and who is to blame and do we stay together or end our relationship now?

How to Cope With an Affair - Getting Past the Pain

No one is every really prepared to hear that the love of their life has been unfaithful and find themselves looking for a way to get past the hurt and anger and figure out how to cope with an affair.

Marriage Problems - Is There Hope For Improving My Marriage?

My parents experienced marriage problems and so did my sister and by the way my Grandparents were divorced and my neighbor beat his wife and my boss cheated on his wife so on and so on and......